Natural Boards

Woven Bamboo Plywood

Woven Bamboo Plywood

4' x 8'

Wide Weave Board

Wide Weave Board

4' x 8'

Amber Board

Amber Board

4' x 8'

Reed Ceiling Board

4' x 8'

Bac-Bac Mat

Natural Boards are an inexpensive option and they look fantastic. Natural boards can be used indoors and outside, but should not be exposed to the elements unless they have been completely sealed.
Natural Boards are a great way to theme:

  • Ceilings
  • Walls
  • Counter Tops
  • Furniture
  • and much much more.

Bamboo Skin Board

4' x 8'

Tribal Trim

A bamboo counter

A diner with yellow and blue walls

Tribal Trim is just another way to spice up your project, and can be designed to fit your space.

Bamboo poles with lights near a bamboo counter